TOP 10 Q&A

How long will it take for my Growafrog tadpole to morph?

Growafrog kit

Just 21 days (average morph time)! Your students will easily discover visible morphology changes every single day! Study developmental biology in your classroom or home by observing live see thru tadpoles!

Are Grow a Frog tadpoles genetically engineered to be transparent?

live tadpole hind legs stage

Not at all! Nature is diverse! Live see-thru tadpoles are ‘gifts of nature’ which provide an extraordinary lesson in developmental biology!

Do these frogs really live underwater like a fish?


Are Grow-a-frogs friendly?

Growafrogs are sooo friendly!

Can you really see the live heartbeat of the transparent see-thru tadpole?

Like a cardiologist.

Are Grow-a-Frogs ‘lower vertebrates?’

Contrary to ‘popular belief’ and ‘dogma’ your Growafrog is SMART! Your frog is arguably SMARTER than your dog or cat!

What do Growafrogs eat?

buy 2 get one free

Tadpole feeding mechanisms are completely different from frog feeding post metamorphosis. Growafrog tadpoles are ‘filter feeders.’ Froglets eat Stage Two Food.

Can my Grow-Frog recognize me?

Yes! Your frog senses your presence in multiple ways. Your frog can see you if you are directly above your frog’s eyes. Visually, your frog has limited peripheral vision however it has FANTASTIC vision ‘straight up.’ Your frog can definitely sense your distinct motion pattern via it’s lateral line system which is super sensitive to vibration..

Is it easy to keep my Growafrog’s habitat clean?

blue habitat soil


Your Growafrog frog friend is also SUPER EASY to keep clean!

Habitat Soil provides a smooth bottom and ALSO harbors good bacteria to keep your frog’s habitat CLEANER!

I do not want to keep my frog. Can I ‘let it go’ in a lake or pond?

No! NEVER release your frog outdoors. It would be VERY cruel! Your frog could NEVER survive (for long). Also, it is a VERY poor ecological decision to release ANY animal including dog, cat, bird, fish, salamanders and reptiles into the wild even if they came from there in the first place! If you can no longer care for your Growafrog at home simply request breathable bags for safe return.

Tadpole Care

I just received my tadpole. Could you give me ‘quick directions?’
  • Use bottled spring water or well water to grow tadpoles. In a pinch rainwater, stream water, lake water, pond or even ‘puddle’ water and melted snow water are also just fine!
    • NEVER use tap water.
    • Make sure the ‘source’ of the spring appears on the bottled spring water.
    • Fill the Habitat with SPRING water. 
    • Feed one spoon of Stage One Food every day until the front arms emerge.
    • Change 1/2 of the water once a week.
    • STOP feeding Stage One Food when the front arms emerge.
    • START feeding Stage TWO Food when your tadpole has about a 1/8-inch tail and looks very much like a froglet.
What brand of spring water would you suggest for my tadpole?

Spring Water

Spring water labels can be confusing. There are many locally distributed inexpensive spring water brands available (usually in gallon jugs). These are all just fine for your tadpole and usually cost 99 cents a gallon. Please look for the name of the spring ‘origin’ on the label. Usually it says something like Source – Bear Mountain Springs, Uphigh Pennsylvania…. or something to that effect. Do not use ‘purified’ water – this is just tap water that has gone through a purification system (usually reverse osmosis). 

By the way, if you happen to have well water or live near a real spring, lake, or river… that water will do fine.

How long can my tadpole stay in the membrane transport bag?

Membrane Bag Transport

Your Growafrog is a living organism and therefore deserves ‘special attention.’ Your Growafrog is sent in ‘breathable membrane transport bags’ specially made to insure oxygen exchange during transport.

Although breathable membrane transport bags are extremely safe and efficient it is BEST to introduce your Growafrog into its habitat ASAP. Having said that – if your tadpole remains in transport bag a few hours or even overnight – it is OK 

The BEST idea though is to ‘be prepared’ and pay attention to the tracking email so that your Growafrog is NOT left outdoors in sun OR a mailbox OR overnight and moved ‘as quickly as possible’ out of the mail-stream and into your home.

How often do I need to feed my tadpole?

Daily Feeding

Feed your tadpole one level spoon of Stage One food per day. It is important to feed daily to ensure the eco-system becomes established. After a few days, however, do not become too alarmed if you miss a day. The eco-system has established and there is enough food for your tadpole even if you miss a feeding day.

You can help your tadpole by… believe it or not… observing it’s ‘poop.’ Growafrog tadpoles are always eating and therefore always ‘pooping’ (OK, almost always). If the water looks very clear and you do not see any ‘poop’ in the vent directly between your tadpole’s back legs… then go ahead and add an extra spoon of Stage One Food to refresh the ecosystem.

What should I do when water evaporates?


Add a little water – daily if necessary. You might be ‘surprised’ at how much water evaporates every single day. Adding just small amounts of water will refresh the ecosystem and keep your tadpole morphing!

What should I do when my tadpole ecosystem gets dirty?

Excess Poop!

Change a portion of the water. A little cloudiness in the water is beneficial and necessary for your tadpole to survive. Having said that, if there is lots of ‘poop’ on the bottom of the habitat OR bubbles on top of the water – then go ahead and do a partial water change. You may need to empty 1/2 or even 3/4 of the water and refill with well or spring water. If the habitat is especially dirty, then pour out most of the dirty water and refill again.

Where is the live heartbeat?

Live Heartbeat

Growafrog tadpoles have transparent or ‘see-thru” skin. Do you like miracles? So do we! See your tadpole’s live heartbeat!! If you look very closely, you can actually see the blood being pumped thru the heart.

Just pick up the tadpole’s habitat and hold it above your eyes… so you are now looking at the ‘bottom’ (ventral view) of your tadpole. The easily seen large, silver colored structure is the gut. Look towards the mouth and you will see a smaller, but still easily visible gold colored object – your tadpole’s heart. You can see the blood being pumped through the heart with you naked eye… although it is so fascinating you may want to use a magnifying glass for a closer look.

I thought my tadpole has gills? Why does my tadpole surface for air like a frog?

Gills and Lungs

Your Grow-a-Frog tadpole is quite unique. Ordinary tadpoles have gills. During the tadpole stage, most tadpoles ‘breathe’ like a fish and ‘gulp’ oxygenated water through their gills. Frogs, of course, have lungs and breathe air… just like you do. Grow-a-Frog tadpoles, on the other hand, have both gills and lungs in the tadpole stage. This is why you see your tadpole come to the surface and ‘take a gulp of air.’ This is truly a remarkable adaptation to its environment.

What dramatic changes occur during metamorphosis?


Metamorphosis is a time of dramatic change (also referred to as ‘remodeling’). Tadpoles move around and ‘swim’ using their tail as a ‘propeller.’ During metamorphosis, they grow legs and arms, then lose their tail completely. Growafrog tadpoles have tentacles that allow them to sense food, foreign objects and movements in the water. Growafrog frogs have something called ‘lateral lines’ that accomplish much the same thing. They look a lot like ‘stitching’ in the back of your frog…kind of like someone took a needle and thread and sewed it together.

Growafrog tadpoles breathe with gills and lungs. Grow a Frog frogs do not have gills. Frogs breathe air with their lungs… just as you do when you are in a swimming pool. Growafrog tadpoles are ‘filter feeders.’ Tadpoles eat all the time by filtering suspended food particles from the water. Growafrog frogs are ‘mealtime eaters.’ They eat or snack only when they are hungry…kind of like you!

Don’t tadpoles come out of water and on to land after metamorphosis?

Aquatic Habitat

Grow-a-Frogs are not common frogs, so they do not behave in ordinary ways. Normally, metamorphosis is the time when frogs ‘hop out of water and onto land.’ They live a marshy existence and go back to the water to mate and lay eggs. Grow-a-Frogs never leave the water, so they do not need to or ‘want’ to go on land. Indeed, if they do leave the water they could not survive very long unless they remain very, very moist.

What temperature should I keep my tadpole / frog at during metamorphosis?


Grow-a-Frogs should remain at the same temperature during metamorphosis as during other stages…. around 68 – 72 degrees or ‘normal home temperature.’

Please do NOT place a thermometer in the habitat and measure it 3 times a day (unless you are doing some kind of observation or experiment). It is absolutely not necessary. Your tadpole will adjust to any fluctuations.

Temperature tends to affect the rate of metamorphosis. Your tadpole will morph faster at 72 degrees. We highly recommend that you do NOT use ‘aquarium heaters.’ Your frog is a frog NOT a fish and the morphing tadpoles and frogs tend to swim near and sometimes touch the heaters. This is harmful as your morphing tadpoles and post morph frog can burn themselves on the heater elements in much the same way that you could burn yourself on a stove.

When should I STOP feeding Stage One Food to my tadpole?

Dietary Change

During metamorphosis there is a period of time when your Growafrog does not eat at all. All of its nutritional requirements come from the re-absorption of the tail, which provides the necessary nutrition for the morph.

Remarkable, indeed.

Stop feeding your tadpole Stage One Tadpole Food after the front arms emerge. Do not feed at all from the time the front arms emerge until the tail is just 1/4 inch long. Start feeding your froglet Stage Two Frog Food after the tail is almost gone and your Growafrog is a very small frog with a short 1/4 tail. Continue to feed Stage Two Frog Food after the tail is completely gone.

Like people, some Growafrogs grow faster than others. If you have more than one tadpole in the same habitat you will likely observe a growth rate variance. There are ‘fast morph’ers’ and ‘slow morph’ers.’ Growth rate has nothing to do with the health of your tadpole… it just takes longer for ‘slow morph’ers’ to change. It is not at all unusual for one tadpole to completely morph, and another to have hardly grown front limbs.

How long will it take for my tadpole to morph?

Metamorphosis Rate

The average morph completes in just 21 days! The morph begins when the front limbs emerge and ends when the tad becomes a frog. Many factors influence growth rate, but the major ones are temperature and genetics. At lower temperatures, (below 68 degrees) metamorphosis may require 2 months or more. There seem to be some tads that are ‘genetically programmed’ to morph fast. Some grow quickly at even lower temperatures.

How does my tadpole eat during metamorphosis?

Tail Absorption

Your tadpole is undergoing dramatic changes during metamorphosis. Your Growafrog’s digestive tract is changing, too… as the filter feeding tadpole becomes a ‘solid food’ eating frog. During metamorphosis, when your Growafrog s neither tadpole nor frog, it does not eat. Morphing Growafrogs receive all the nutrition they need by using enzymes to decompose the tail. Tail reabsorption is a source of energy and ‘food.’

My tadpole is less active and not swimming ‘head down tail up.’

‘Head down, tail up’ to ‘bottom dweller’

Growafrog tadpoles pre metamorphosis normally swim ‘head down, tail up.’

After your tadpole’s front arms emerge, they ‘may or ‘may not’ spend a little more time on the bottom. This ‘behavioral change’ is perfectly normal and healthy.

Either way, we know it sounds simple to change the water, however we cannot over emphasize the importance of clean water to your tadpole, frog or indeed any aquatic organism!

My tadpole is floating on top of the water!

Water Change ASAP 

Do an immediate 1/2 water change and STOP feeding.

Likely the water is too cloudy from either overfeeding or simply an imbalance in the eco-system.

OBSERVE YOUR TADPOLE’S behavior.  It should swim ‘head down – tail up.’

FLOATING is not a good sign of things at all.  Look at the water in the habitat.  If you cannot see all the way through the habitat the water is definitely too cloudy.

Tadpole care like many things in life depends upon the skill of good observation.  If your tadpole is floating definitely change a portion {usually 1/2 to 3/4 of the water} with spring water.

If there is even a ‘question’ of the water being too cloudy DO NOT FEED.

Skip a day or two? No problem! There is plenty food growing in the habitat in the Habitat Soil sandy substrate on the bottom.

When should I start feeding my morph’in Growafrog Stage Two Food?

Growafrog’s first Stage Two Food Nugget

Please feed one Stage Two Food nugget in the morning, and one in the evening, when ‘the tail is almost gone and your Growafrog looks very much like a frog.

Please be alert to feeding as the morph happens quickly at this stage. You will be able to see daily changes. Do NOT wait for the tail to completely disappear.  Feed Stage Two Food when the tail is about 1/4 – 1/8 inch long. We also recommend a 1/4 partial water change with spring water after your first feeding (wait about 15 minutes or so). This will help to keep the water clean even if your frog does not eat the first time you feed it.

What is the best time to order Stage Two Food?

Ordering Stage Two Stuff

We ship all orders for Stage Two Food and supplies ASAP!

Having said that your tadpole morphs quickly!

If you have ordered/received a kit which does not include Stage Two Food, we highly recommend you order a few days after the front arms emerge in order to leave time for delivery.

What options do I have for a Stage Two (post metamorphosis frog) habitat?

Froglet Habitat

Froglet habitats should be larger than tadpole habitats. We offer several frog habitats including our Stage Two Tube Town, deskHOP,, BIG ‘n Hoppy and Tube City Habitats. An ordinary 10-gallon (or larger) aquarium is also an excellent habitat for Growafrogs. 

Many people have a ‘spare’ aquarium at home and if you happen to have one this is an excellent and inexpensive habitat. If you choose to use an aquarium, we recommend that you keep  Growafrogs only – no fish (a snail is OK). We suggest that you consider using Growafrog Shade Domes as a cover for all 10-gallon tanks as shade keeps your Growafrogs feeling safe and secure – and also to provide your Growafrog with Habitat Soil and perhaps our little Growafrog filter, too.

I would like to order a Stage Two Super Offer, Tube Town, or Stage Two DeskHOP however I do NOT want a ‘free frog.’ Is there a way of specifying NO FREE FROG?

No Problem!

Please call the Gilly Hotline at 352 544 0333 OR write NO FROG is the Order Notes box when you checkout online.


If my tadpoles are growing in a New larger Growafrog or Tadventure Habitat – will I need a larger habitat as they mature into adult frogs?

Larger Frog Habitat

Certainly. When the time eventually comes for a larger habitat ‘you’ll know’ as your frog will seem like it needs a more spacious home.

The new Larger Growafrog Habitat, Tadventures and Tadpole Tube Town are designed for tadpoles and young froglets.

As your froglets grow and become more compatible in size with each other we highly recommend that you place them into a larger habitat. An ordinary 10-gallon aquarium (or larger) makes an excellent home for Growafrogs.

Many people have a ‘spare aquarium’ at home, and these make wonderful Growafrog habitats.

We also offer our beautiful kids-safe Plexi  BIG ‘n Hoppy and Tube City Habitats available in several vivid colors for your older frogs.

Do you offer Growafrog kits in different Stages of development?


Over the years we have learned all too well that students become ‘impatient’ waiting for metamorphosis and that educators have ‘other lesson plans’ to explore.

We PROUDLY are ‘determined’ to supply multi-staged tadpole and frog kits so students may study metamorphosis A.S.A.P.

If your budget permits (they are not really that expensive, anyway) please consider a Morph”n Kit such as the LifeCycle Kit, Front’n Back Kit, Pollywog ‘n Frog Kit, or Mini Lifeycle Kit!

I wish to observe the miracle of metamorphosis however I do NOT want to care for a frog long term at all!

‘Look around’ for a kind-hearted caregiver OR request breathable bags for safe return.

Growafrogs are very popular and in MOST instances, it is ‘easy’ to find a kind-hearted caregiver in your social circle of family, friends and co-workers.

If that is not possible, we want you to know that we will ALWAYS welcome your frog back ‘home’ to us.  If you would like to return, simply request breathable bag for safe journey back ‘home’ to us.

Upon return, your frog will be kept here short term and over the course of time will be re-homed.

IMPORTANT!!!  Under NO circumstances should you EVER release your Growafrog into the wild! It would be very cruel. Your Growafrog could not survive (for long). Your Growafrog is not a native amphibian and needs to remain in your care at home or returned to us. It is very poor choice of action to release ANY pet into the wild!!!  Just as you would NOT release your dog or cat into the wild, PLEASE do not release ANY amphibian, reptile or fish kept as a pet or for observation into the wild even if it came from there in the first place!

Froglet Care

My tadpole just morphed into a froglet. How do I care for it?

Morphed Froglet Care

Your froglet’s first meal is very important.

When your Growafrog looks like a frog WITH a (very short) tail Growafrogs eat Stage Two Food. 

Feed Stage Two Food at this ‘stub of a tail’ stage.

Even if you do not observe your froglet eating, place one nugget in the habitat in the morning – and one nugget in the evening.

Change 1/4 of the water with bottled spring water (every other day if you can) until the morph is over.

Please do not use Water Crystals… yet.

Make sure that your frog is eating, and the morph is complete before using Water Crystals. 

Please remember to use Spring Water if you have a tadpole and/or froglet that has not quite completed the morph.

I just received my froglet. How do I take care of it?

Arrival Froglet Care

If you have received a froglet from us, it has already morphed.

It is at least one week post metamorphosis, so it may be placed right into a Stage Two Habitat, Stage Two Tube-Town, deskHOP, Big’n Hoppy , Tube City or larger Aquarium.

We recommend using spring water for the ‘first filling.’  Afterwards you will find it a lot more convenient (and waaay less costly) to simply use room temperature tap water treated with Water Crystals.

Growafrogs are pretty wonderful, hearty little guys, so if you follow the simple instructions of keeping them at room temperature and away from household sprays and pesticides – your froggy should be fine.

Can I put a frog and a tadpole together in the same habitat?

Froglet – Tadpole Share Care

If you have ordered a Tube Town, you may have froglets AND tadpoles in the same habitat at the same time.

It is OK to feed tadpole and Stage Two Food in the same habitat. You will probably need less tadpole food, as the tads remaining are likely to be near the stage when the front arms will emerge and stop eating. It is not at all harmful to feed tadpole food in a habitat that has morphing frogs. Of course, your froglets do not eat tadpole food, but it will not hurt them at all.

Can I put two frogs together in the same habitat?

Frog – Frogklet ‘Share’ Care

Grow-a-Frogs are very social animals.

Growafrogs very much enjoy the company of other frogs and your company, too.

We highly recommend that you keep two (or more) Growafrogs together in the same habitat. We even have a ‘Hoppy TWOgether’ kit which encourages Growafrog enthusiasts to keep two frogs together.

Frogs of ‘approximately the same size’ have no problems at all co-habituating.

Adult Growafrogs NEVER have any problems living together.

However, if there is a BIG size difference between the frogs, the larger frog could turn EAT the smaller one especially when they are first introduced.

Pay particular attention to this concern if you have a newly morphed froglet ready to be introduced into a habitat with an older, larger frog,

If you have a small frog that’s ‘bite sized’ compared to the much larger frog, please follow introduction directions.


Just like people, Growafrog froglets form faster, more friendly relationships when they are properly introduced. Frog friends should be properly introduced before they may share the same habitat. This simple procedure involves keeping frog friends in separate habitats, side by side, so they can see each other and become familiar with each other.

Be sure to keep BOTH frogs well fed

After 48 hours, you may place them both in the same habitat and OBSERVE THEIR BEHAVIOR.

If the two frogs seem to be getting along, then you have made a successful introduction. If they are behaving in an unfriendly or aggressive manner, it is best to wait until the little guy grows up a bit. Put the little guy in a separate habitat and fatten it up.

Remember, Growafrogs are never aggressive towards each other UNLESS one of the frogs is ‘bite sized.’ 

It is always best to err on the side of caution and keep the little one separate if it seems ‘bite-sized’ compared to the other.

Having said all of that once both frogs are 4 months or so of age their ‘defense mechanisms’ are in place and unless there is a HUGE difference in size then little or no concern.

I just received my froglet. What do I feed it?

Stage Two Frog Food

Growafrog frogs eat Stage Two Food. This 100% nutritionally complete diet is the same high-quality food we feed to our Growafrogs in our facility.

Every time you order Stage Two Food, you will also receive a little ‘serving spoon’ to feed your frog.

The Growafrog ‘serving spoon’ is more than convenient, it is also highly functional. When you ‘wave’ your frog’s ‘serving spoon’ straight up above the eyes, your frog can see the food.

Growafrogs also feed by olfactory and vibration senses. Your Growafrog does NOT have to see the food to eat.

However, feeding directly above the eyes with the ‘serving spoon’ reduces waste! Your frog’s habitat will stay cleaner as uneaten food clouds the water.

You’ll save money by not overfeeding… and it is simply more ‘fun’ to interact with your frog when it gets ‘spoon fed.’

How often do I feed my frog Stage Two Food?

Froglet Feeding Schedule

Growafrogs should be fed once in the morning, and once in the evening.

It is better to feed a little food, twice a day, than to feed a lot of food all at once. This ensures that you will know your frog is eating and will not waste food.

How much Stage Two Food should I feed my frog?

Frog Feeding Quantity

Your Growafrog should eat ‘as much food as can been eaten in 15 minutes.’ Typically, a newly morphed frog will eat one nugget in the morning, and one in the evening. Month old frogs will eat 2-3 nuggets per feeding. Older frogs will eat ‘quite a bit- a spoonful or more at a time.’

As your Growafrogs mature, you’ll need to increase their food consumption. It is kind of like feeding any other pet. Simply observe how much they eat and offer more food if they are still hungry. Older frogs may usually be fed with full serving spoons of Stage Two Food as a meal. By the way, the ‘secret ingredient’ in Stage Two Food is blood and LOTS of it. You may also choose to feed your frog food with real blood such as chopped earthworms or finely chopped beef heart.

Should you chose to feed ‘bloody foods’ such as beef heart or earthworms please change the water 30 minutes or so after feeding food as real blood will cloud the water ‘awful’ – however your frogs will eat the food for sure!

My froggy is ‘winking and blinking’ when it eats! This is very interesting and somewhat entertaining, but is my frog OK?

Wink & Blink

It’s wonderful how much you can learn about your Growafrog when you give it a ‘closer’ look. Every time your frog swallows a piece of food it also closes its eyes and ‘blinks’ as a ‘reflex.’

Kind of like how you always close your eyes when you sneeze, Growafrogs close their eyes when they swallow!

We like to think they’re winking as a way of communicating a big ‘thank you’ for serving them food… but that’s anthropomorphism for sure. Your frogs wink even if you are not around at all.

What is Habitat Soil and why should I use it?


Habitat Soil is a wonderful addition to your frog’s habitat.

In many ways, it is important as food, as it keeps your frog happy by providing a natural ‘sandy’ bottom – just like that in any pond or lake.

It also vastly improves the water quality in your Growafrog’s home by providing places for beneficial bacteria to grow.

We suggest that you do not use ordinary aquarium gravel for Growafrogs. Small rocks from aquarium gravel form a choking hazard for Growafrog – in much the same way as chicken bones are a choking hazard for dogs.

Do I need a lid or cover for my frog’s habitat?

Habitat Lids Or Covers

Habitat Covers and lids are recommended for frog habitats for a variety of reasons.

Growafrogs are ‘semi nocturnal’ and prefer the natural comfort of shade to sun. Also, Growafrogs become ‘active’ and ‘jump’ during low pressure atmospheric events such as thunderstorms. If you see your frog ‘jumping’ up and down, there is no need to check the barometer you have a low-pressure atmospheric event on its way. If the water level is your frog’s habitat is very close to the surface and you do not have a ‘high’, tailored fitting cover on the habitat – your frog could jump out!

When your frog ‘jumps’ it simply does not at all know that there is no water on the other side of that ‘jump.’  Over the years we have heard countless stories about frogs which have ‘escaped’ from their habitats. We highly recommend that you use a ‘high’ ‘tailored fitting’ lid or cover with no ‘escape holes’ such as Growafrog Shade Domes. Shade Domes are available in pairs and two Shade Domes will fit any ordinary 10-gallon aquarium. If you choose to use another cover that’s fine… just make sure that it is ‘tight fitting with no holes’ as over the course of time your Growafrogs could ‘find’ these holes and escape.

If you choose not to use a lid, we suggest keeping the water level about 4-5 inches from the top of your habitat. Your Growafrog cannot jump that high!

Tadventure and Tadpole Tube Town Kits include dome covers at no additional cost. The Larger Growafrog Tadpole Habitat does not include a dome cover however they are available at nominal cost for use after metamorphosis (or for tadpoles if you happen to have an ‘inquisitive cat’).

Our BIG ‘n Hoppy and Tube City Plex-acrylic habitats include a ‘comfort’ Shade Dome Cover at no extra cost.

Growafrogs are totally aquatic and do not need or ‘want’ land at all. Indeed, if they do leave the water and go on to land, they cannot survive long at all unless they remain very, very moist.

What are Water Crystals and why do I need them?


Growafrog Water Crystals are very powerful water purifiers that allow you to safely use ordinary tap water for your frogs.

Please remember to treat tap water with Water Crystals BEFORE you put the water in your frog’s habitat.

As good water quality is sooo important to your frog’s health, we offer Water Crystals very inexpensively. The Large Size seemingly ‘lasts almost forever.’

How often do I need to change my frog’s water?

Water Changes

Your frog’s water should be ‘refreshed’ by changing 1/2 of the water approximately once a week.

A small partial water change will vastly improve water quality AND the health of your frog.

We also highly recommend adding water (daily if necessary) to compensate for evaporation.

Good water quality is the ‘secret’ to keeping your frog happy and healthy. If your habitat tends to get dirty, then you’ll need to do up to a 90 percent water change once a week. 

It is easy to keep perform water changes and your frog inside the habitat. just (gently) pour out the old water and pour in tap water treated with Water Crystals.

By the way, if you have house plants – you may want to take advantage of the fantastic ‘fertilizer’ that you may be pouring down the drain. Your frog’s old water is an EXCELLENT plant fertilizer!  Just use the frog’s old water to water your plants!

Another ‘tip’ you may try is to use a disposable plastic or paper cup to ‘dip out’ some water. We use the large, paper or plastic beverage cups from fast food restaurants and convenience stores (don’t worry about the beverage that was in it… the residue from drinks… even diet soda… will not hurt your frog at all). Just dip out some old water and pour in the new.

We highly recommend ‘partial water changes’ in all of our habitats. Keep at least some of the Habitat Soil and a little of the old water when you do a water change.

Do not change all of the water. Do not rinse the Habitat Soil completely. Keep ‘a little’ old water to retain some ‘good bacteria.’

Habitat Soil contains ‘beneficial bacteria’ which is very important for water quality. If you are starting a new habitat, try to fill it with spring water for the first time so that beneficial bacteria have a chance to grow.

If this is not practical at the very least empty the Habitat Soil from your old tank into the new tank, and at least some of the old water, too.

What else can I do to keep my frog’s habitat clean?

Snails on Sale

Snails offer a totally natural way to keep your frog’s habitat clean with zero effort on your part! Snails and Growafrogs survive symbiotically! If your frogs habitat is dirty and needs ‘help’ keeping it clean – we highly recommend snails! We offer Snails on Sale – too!

Can I use a filter in my frog’s habitat?

Growafrog Filter

The choice is up to you, but as a general rule, we advise that ‘the bigger the habitat, the more you need a filter.’ Our Stage Two Super Offer, which is the same habitat as our Tadventure Kit, is ‘desktop sized.’ We feel that it is easier to just change the water once or twice a week than to use a filter for gallon habitats.

If you have a larger habitat, nothing beats our ‘pretty little Growafrog filter.’

Growafrog filters should be used with Habitat Soil and weekly 1/2  partial water changes to keep excellent water quality for your Growafrogs. Designed to be Growafrog-safe and incredibly easy to use, Growafrog filters may be used in ANY size tank up to 10 gallons as they are totally adjustable.

Growafrog filters do NOT need ‘replacement cartridges.’ Simply sinse the sponge! Having said that, if you do not want to ‘bother’ and simply wish to replace the sponges, a sponge refill kit is available very inexpensively.

Frog filters (your color choice of Dew Blue, Gilly Green, Ribbit Red, Leap’in Lemon, Hop’on Orange, SplashBlack, WhiteHouse, or Pop’n Purple ) are very inexpensive, very easy to maintain, and they work!

There are NO ‘cartridges’ that need to be changed, either… simply rinse the sponge! If you are keeping your Growafrogs in an aquarium larger than 10- gallons, we have an aquaculture grade sponge filter which we use here and highly recommend. Email us the size of your tank and we’ll make sure that you get the right sized filter for your setup.

Also, and this is very important, a filter is not at all a substitute for weekly partial water changes. Filters can and do help to keep the water cleaner and break down wastes – no doubt – but there is not a filter in the world which is a substitute for partial water changes. Partial water changes are sooo easy to do and so great for your Growafrog’s well being.

Please do not be ‘lulled’ into thinking that because you have a filter you do not need to do a weekly partial ‘fast and simple’ water change. Even in nature, it rains!

Do they need land at all?

Aquatic Habitat

Growafrogs are not like ordinary frogs. They remain totally aquatic throughout their lives. They always live in the water. They do not need, or ‘want’ to be on land. Furthermore, they will be greatly harmed if they remain dry for even relatively short periods of time.

Please keep your Growafrog in water all the times.

What is the best temperature for my frog?


The best temperature for your Growafrog is normal, household temperature… 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

Growafrogs can withstand a much wider variety of temperatures. Please do not become alarmed at all if the temperature goes somewhat above or below this range.

In summer, keep your frog ‘as cool as possible.’ Preferably, keep in either an air conditioned room, a shady room in your home, or a cool basement.

V.I.P !!! Do not use a heater for the water at all!   It is very important that you do not keep your frog in direct sunlight… especially in summer. Even if the air temperature in your home is in the 70’s, the temperature in your frog’s habitat could reach 100 or more (due to the greenhouse effect) if your frog in the window with direct sunlight. This caution makes a lot of common sense… it is the same reason why you should not keep pets in a car with the windows up.

In winter, keep the temperature of the water at normal room temperature. Even if your thermostat is ‘turned down’ your Growafrog will be just fine as long as there is ‘some’ heat on in your school or home on the coldest days. 

Of course, if a window is open and the temperatures are extremely cold – just close the window.

Is there a best temperature to use for water when changing the water in my frogs habitat?

Replenishment Water Temperature

The best water temperature for changing the water is your frog’s habitat is room temperature 68 – 72 degrees

Use running water from the COLD faucet, only.

Lukewarm temperatures (95 degrees or above) can be LETHAL to your frogs! The water does not even need to be ‘warm to the touch’ as especially in summer as it is difficult to tell water temperature just by putting your hands under the faucet.
We would much prefer to be ‘safe than sorry’ – so our suggestion is to use water from the COLD faucet only. Let it run for a minute or two (especially in summer) – then let it ‘sit’ to adjust to room temperature.

Can I put fish in with the frogs ?

Habitat Description

We recommend that you do not keep your Growafrogs with fish, as Growafrogs are lung breathing amphibians. In their natural habitat, they live in small ponds that have still water and very low oxygen levels. In order to respire, Growafrogs swim to the surface and take a breath of air.

Fish, on the other hand, respire with gills. They extract oxygen from water… and do not surface for air.

In an aquarium, fish typically need an air stone or other device that produces ‘thousands of tiny bubbles’ – which increase the oxygen level in water.

These habitats are often incompatible with each other, as the oxygen levels necessary to maintain fish may actually harm your frog.

Very high oxygen levels are harmful for your frog… and very low oxygen levels are harmful to fish.

Also, remarkably disease-free Growafrogs tend to get diseases that are not ordinarily acquired if they are kept with fish. We recommend keeping Growafrogs separate from (most) fish.
An ordinary 10-gallon (or larger) aquarium is an excellent home for Growafrogs. We would suggest that you either use a ‘high cover’ such as our Shade Domes – or keep the water level 4 inches from the top.

Also, we highly recommend Habitat Soil as an excellent substrate bottom for your Growafrogs in a 10-gallon tank. Our 6 lb. size is plenty enough for a 10-gallon tank. Our little Growafrog filter is specifically made for Growafrogs and will work great in an aquarium. It is a ‘sponge type’ filter and completely adjustable to the height of your aquarium and water level. You may keep a snail in the habitat if you wish as they are compatible with your Growafrogs.

We do receive many requests from folks who wish to keep Growafrogs in an aquarium with fish. If you are ‘set’ on keeping your Growafrog with fish the most practical tankmate is a common goldfish. ‘Think’ goldfish in a goldfish bowl – no heater no filter necessary!

Can I touch my frog?


Just as you would pet a dog or cat, it is OK if you interact with your frog every now and then. It is best to use the little serving spoon to ‘feed and play’ with our frog and to not put your hands in the water directly.

Please remember to practice good hygiene and wash your hands with soap and water after you play with your frog, in much the same way as you should wash your hands with soap and water after coming in contact with a dog or cat.

These days, there are all sorts of reasons for children and adults to get into the good habit of washing hands! We recommend that you wash your hands with soap and water each and every time you come into contact with your frog or any portion of the habitat including your tadpole or frog’s water, tadpole and / or frog food… even the serving spoon. The current C.D.C. recommendation is to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or ‘as long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday to You’ all the way through, twice.

Parents and Teachers are encouraged to use Growafrog as a hygiene lesson! Did you know that the acronym F.R.O.G stands for Friction Rubs Out Gems in Surgery Centers across the USA?

That’s right!

Did you ever see a television program where the surgeon scrubs their hands? Of course, you have! There’s a reason for this… it’s because people need to get rid of germs!

Wash your hands with friction… rub’em hard together. to dislodge all of those germs from your outer skin. Next, run your hands under warm water FIRST… then add soap after wetting your hands (not before). Dry by RUBBING your hands with a paper towel. What a great way to associate washing your hands after contact with Growafrogs with ALL good hygiene practices every single day!

Students – remember F.R.O.G stands for Friction Rubs Out Germs. Wash you hand with friction ALL the time!

Please recycle! The old, dirty water from your frog’s habitat may be used as a plant fertilizer!

We recommend disposing the old water outdoors, preferably as a plant fertilizer to recycle it. NEVER pour the old dirty water down the kitchen or bathroom sink.

Good hygiene is Good!

Sadly, with the GLOBAL virus concerns… the lesson you can learn in Growafrog care may just be lessons in lifelong life-saving hygiene.

Can I ‘net’ my frog?

Wet At All Times

We highly recommend that you do NOT ‘net’ your Growafrog!

Growafrogs need to remain moist at all times. They are also very quick and can simply get out of the net. Even very short periods of time out of water can be harmful!

If you need to move your Growafrog, the preferred way is to ‘pour’ your frog with at least some of the water from the habitat.

Another method to move your frog is to simply remove most of the water from the habitat – then ‘scoop’ your frog and some water from the habitat into either a small pail which has never been washed with soap or a disposable ‘drink cup’ (rinsed and dried with a paper towel) from your favorite convenience store.

How can I tell girl frogs from boy frogs?

Gender Identification

In the Growafrog world, girls are about twice as big as boys.

The females lay the eggs and need to be larger so they may carry eggs. It is actually easier to tell the boys from the girls, though.

Male Growafrogs have very distinct black markings on the inside of their arms. It kind of looks like someone took a big black marker and made a bold stripe on their forearms. They are called ‘nuptial pads’ (Mr. and Mrs. Frog?) Also, if your frog makes any sounds at all, it’s a boy… cause ‘only the boys make noise.’

Why does my frog ‘sing’?


If your frog ‘sings’, it’s a boy. The ‘singing’ is really a mating call. Males sometimes sing during the day, but they usually sing in the middle of the night. Also, it seems to be ‘frog specific.’ Just like people, some sing all the time… while others hardly sing at all.

My frog does not locate it’s food right away. Does it have poor vision?


Your Growafrog senses food by sight, smell and vibration.

Your Growafrog does NOT have to see its food at all to eat.

Your Growafrog has an extremely keen olfactory sense and ‘vibration’ sense (those lateral line ‘stitches’ on the back of your frog form a vibration sensory organ.)

Although Growafrogs have poor (a.k.a. ‘lousy’) peripheral vision, they have fantastic vision ‘just above their eyes’ as they are always looking up!

To demonstrate this, try feeding your frog Stage Two Food above its eyes. Just position the little serving spoon above frog’s head so your frog can see its food within its straight up range of vision. Your frog may literally jump up out of the water to greet you!

Grow-a-frogs are soooo friendly when they can see you in their ‘line of sight.’

Also, interestingly in nature…. your frog’s diet consists in great part of ‘flying ‘insects.’ When your frog comes up for air it can also ‘grab a mosquito’ or two due to its very keen vision ‘straight up.’ Have you ever noticed the swarm of insects at the water’s surface in a still pond? Well, so has your frog! This is very ‘cool’ as your aquatic frog can feed out of water!

Will my frogs have tadpoles?


It is an unusual event for Growafrogs to mate and have eggs that develop into tadpoles in your home – but it can happen!

Of course, you’ll need a female and a male. Sometimes the females will lay eggs without a male, but, we’re sorry, they will never develop.

If you are among the lucky ones who experience a successful mating, the first thing you should do is to remove the adults, or they will (yikes!) eat the eggs ! Please send us an E-mail and we’ll be more than ‘hoppy’ to congratulate you and help you raise your eggs into tads and frogs. Of course, if you do not want to grow any tadpoles simply do ‘nothing.’ Your adults will eat every egg and/or newly hatched larvae in a few hours or less. Nature at times does seem cruel – and the ‘ability’ of adults to feed on eggs and tadpoles is a survival mechanism. Like most frogs and nearly all fish – Growafrogs lay thousands and thousands more eggs than will ever develop into adults.

What kind of frog is it?


Growafrogs are smaller Pipidae frogs, which in nature originally come from South America and Africa. However, your Growafrog tadpole has never been to Africa or South America!

All of our tadpoles and all of our breeder stock are born and captive-bred in our facilities in Brooksville, Florida. We do not have a single frog which has ever been to Africa or South America.

All Growafrogs are ‘Floridians’ proudly grown in pure crystal-clear well water from an underground spring in Brooksville, Florida.

Our water source shares the very same aquifer that the ‘mermaids’ swim in at the world famous Weeki Wachee Springs Mermaid Show!

If my frog appears sick, what should I do?


The single most important factor in your frog’s wellbeing is its environment.

Rule # 1- Change the water

Rule #2 – Change the water

Rule # 3 Change the water

We cannot overemphasize the basics.

  • Minimum weekly 1/4 partial water changes (even if you use a filter).
  • Keep the water temperature away from extremes. Keep below 85 and above 50 degrees F.
  • Keep all insecticides, household sprays and foreign objects such as pencils and pens OUT of the frog’s habitat.
  • Use Water Crystals to purify tap water
  • Provide a sandy substrate for the bottom such as Growafrog Habitat Soil., Keep aquarium gravel (choking hazard) out of the habitat,
  • Feed your Growafrog Stage Two Food
  • Keep aquarium fish (for the most part) out of your frog’s habitat.

Having said all of that, Growafrogs can and do get sick.

The most important things you can do if your frog is obviously sick is to do a partial 1/4 – 1/2 water change. Water quality is the number one most important factor in keeping your Growafrog healthy. If your frog does get ill, please send us an E-mail describing the problem, and we’ll try to help.

What size will my Growafrog grow to?


In the frog world, size is measured by S-V (Snout to Vent) length. Females are larger than males and average female body size of about ‘half a dollar bill.’ Males, in general, are about half the size of females – so their full-grown body size (not including arms and legs therefore Snout to Vent) as adults will be less than ‘half a dollar bill.’ Of course, like people (and all animals) there is some variation to this!

Some frogs are larger and smaller than average just like some people are larger or smaller than ‘average.’

Also, unlike people, Growafrogs continue to grow throughout their lifetimes… so the older the frog – the bigger the frog.

Why does my frog hardly grow at all?


Just as there are short and tall people, there are large and small frogs. If you have a very small frog, it may be a male. Yet even among males, there is great variation in size. In general, smaller frogs breed just as well as their larger counterparts, although smaller females do not lay as many eggs. Their longevity and health are the same as larger frogs.

Why do the females grow larger than males ?

Gender Dimorphism

Growafrog females are different in appearance from males. Females are generally larger than males. The sides of their body are also naturally ‘puffed out’ from ovaries filled with eggs – giving them a more pear-shaped look. In the frog world, females are always ‘with eggs’, or gravid, so it makes sense that they are larger than males. Females have a cloaca, which is a protrusion where the eggs emerge. It is noticeable. Males do not have a cloaca. Males have black ‘nuptial pads’ on the inside of their forearms. Females do not have black ‘pads.’

I live in an apartment. Can I have Growafrog according to my lease?

Apartments and Condo’s

In most cases, you most certainly can have a Grow-a-frog in your apartment or condo at the completion of a school project. Indeed, they make ideal companions especially if you cannot have a dog or cat. Sometimes, an upper floor ‘unit’ is not allowed to have even a larger fish tank (or waterbed!) due to weight considerations… but a Grow-a-frog is fine. Definitely check with your landlord or lease ‘to be sure’, but in most places this is not a concern at all.

Is my frog very friendly?

Wow… they are soooo friendly, playful and SMART!!!!

You will LOVE to feed your frogs! Your frog will swim right towards you and jump up to stick it’s head up and out of the water to greet you!

Most people cannot believe how a frog can be as smart as a cat or dog.  

In our (very) biased opinion we routinely observe Growafrogs to be SMARTER than the average canine or feline (no disrespect we LOVE dogs and cats, too !!)

Enjoy your time with your adorable amphibian…. we do!

Metamorphosis was incredibly interesting. Now that it’s over, what could I possibly learn from a frog?

Learn about Nature in your own home!

You’ll be surprised what you can learn from a frog!

The first thing you’ll notice about your Growafrog is that it looks a lot more like YOU than a fish!

It has arms and legs, a definite head and ‘fingers.’

Can you talk to your frog? Sure – but did you know your frog will listen to you?

That’s right. Your Growafrog will respond to your voice!

Go ahead and sing to your frog.

The incredibly complex lateral line organ (the ‘stitching’ on the edge of your frog’s back) is a vibratory sense organ soo sensitive that it can recognize YOUR voice! You CAN talk to your frog (like you would talk to a dog or cat) AND your frog will LISTEN and respond – sometimes by shaking its head or nodding at you!

How long can my Growafrog live?


The average lifespan of a Growafrog is 5 years. That is to say, most Grow-a-frogs live about 5 years. However, in some instances they CAN and DO live much longer. We receive letters and E-mails from customers with 20+ year old frogs! We still do not know how long they can live…time will tell! If you have a Growafrog that you’ve had for quite a while, please let us know. We’d love to hear about your frog!

BTW, if you happen to have a geriatric Growafrog we cordially invite you to visit Maurice the frog’s Facebook page and post … that’s the ‘place to be’ for folks with older Growafrogs!

What kind of guarantee does my frog have?


All Growafrog frogs automatically include our famous “Lifetime Guarantee.” We mean it!!

Your tadpole actually is guaranteed 4 ways !

  • Delivery Guarantee
  • Metamorphosis Guarantee
  • Lifetime Guarantee
  • B.d. Negative Guarantee

You are entitled to a free frog for any reason if you own a Grow-a-frog and experience a loss – ever.

We only ask that you include s&h with your order, which is 8.95.

If you unfortunately need to use your Lifetime Guarantee, it is located on the very last line of all our order forms – including the online order form. To read the Lifetime Guarantee and all our other wonderful guarantees, please click here.

Please note: The Lifetime Guarantee program depends upon the goodwill of everyone. We kindly request that you do not use the Lifetime Guarantee unless you have actually sadly suffered a loss. We do reserve the right to limit Lifetime Guarantees if deemed excessive.

I LOVE Growafrogs! They are so SMART and friendly! Is it possible to request an older / larger frog which is tankmate compatible with my larger frog?

Compatible Size Tankmates

Please let us know you need a larger frog by writing something like ‘larger frog compatible with older frog’ in the order notes section when you place an online order.  We will send a larger frog compatible with an adult size.

Please note: the froggy will be compatible and up to four months old however they will NOT be adults.

Although older adult Growafrogs  are not available per se on our website we do make them available to ANY longtime Growafrog caregiver who has experienced a loss. 

If you are a Growafrog caregiver who has a frog which has lost a tankmate – please accept our heartfelt sympathies.

Growafrogs are VERY social beings and grieve the loss of a tankmate.

This courtesy is extended to any longtime customer who has experienced a loss.

If sadly you need an older adult sized frog, please call the Gilly Hotline at 352.544.0333 or contact us. There are additional costs for adults as they are larger and more costly to ship. Cost is still ‘affordable.’

What should I do if I can no longer take care of my frog?

We will ALWAYS welcome your frog back ‘home.’

People LOVE Growafrogs!

Over the years we have learned how Growafrogs become ‘family members’ just like any pet dog or cat. Having said that, sadly there are circumstances where even a beloved dog or cat can no longer be kept.

We want you to know that we provide breathable bags for safe journey in the event that you can no longer care for your pet.

If you would like to request breathable bag for safe journey, please email us


How quickly will I receive my classroom order?

We Send your order ASAP, weather permitting.

We do realize that you need to receive your order ASAP.

Unless otherwise specified we ship all orders ASAP, weather permitting.

We send a TRACKING EMAILwhen your order leaves our facility and is on it’s way to you. If you do not receive a tracking email CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER.

We highly recommend that you track your delivery especially if you are anticpating a live tadpole or froglet!

By the way if you have any questions about delivery, please DO NOT HESITATE to call the Gilly Hotline at 352.544.0333 daytime Eastern Time or email. It is VERY important for us to communicate and coordinate delivery with you!

How can I specify a ship/arrival date to correspond to the needs of my curriculum?

We are able to ship most of the school year. We are very sorry but there does come a time when it is simply too hot or cold to ship. Most of the time (not always, of course) extreme heat 95 + degrees coincide with summer vacation. Also, we prefer not to ship if the temperatures are below 29 degrees for extended periods of time as even with insulation of course water will freeze if the package is left outdoors. You can definitely help us by providing a school, work, business or ‘address where someone will be home’ so that the package does not stay outside or in a mailbox overnight!!!!!!!

We will meet your class requirements

If you are ordering via school Purchase Order, simply specify a ship date / arrival date if you wish. 

You may do the same by calling the Gilly Hotline at 352.544.0333. 

Our Gilly Hotline service reps ROCK !!! Please do not hesitate to call we are Hoppy to Help!

If there is no specific date requirement we will ship ASAP – weather permitting.

If you are ordering online there is a dialogue box ORDER NOTES during the checkout process.  Simply write your ship date / arrival date requirements there. We will send date requested and provide tracking information so that you may anticipate an arrival date.

Please note: We can ship by a requested date, weather permitting.  In most instances we can meet your arrival requirements within a day (usually on the day requested). 

Tracking via USPS is VERY reliable thus you may anticipate arrival date.

However, the ONLY way to guarantee date specific arrival is to ship via a date certain method such as Next Day or Second Day Guaranteed.  If you need date certain arrival, please call the Gilly Hotline at 352.544. 0333. 

We are very sorry there is a substantial additional cost for date certain arrival as overnight and guaranteed second day services are EXTREMELY expensive. Anticipate a minimum 100 dollar additional cost for second day guaranteed arrival and 150+ dollars Next Day Air.

Having said that, in most instances we can meet your requirements at no additional cost – however the date of delivery is not guaranteed.

Do you accept school purchase orders?

We accept all school Purchase Orders.

We gladly accept all Public-School Purchase Orders from any accredited school in the U.S. 

We can simply and easily provide a W-9. Simply contact us.

Please submit your Purchase order via:

USPS: Mail to: Three Rivers Mail Order Corp., P.O. Box 10369, Brooksville, Florida 34603

Fax: 352.848.0100

Or email us

We are very sorry we do not accept verbal Purchase Orders

Should I use a home address or school address for my order?

School address preferred

We prefer to address your order to a school as ‘someone will be there’ to accept the package and it will not get left outdoors or in a mailbox.

Of course, there are exceptions. If you are planning to receive your Grow-a-frog during school break or Saturday then obviously address it elsewhere such as a work address, business address, or at least an address ‘where ‘someone will be home.’  Also, we DO deliver to USPS Post Office boxes and this is preferred method of delivery as your Post Office is always at the ‘right temperature for your Growafrog!’

If you need to use an address where someone will not be home, please pay extra special attention to tracking information so that you may anticipate arrival.

Also, it is helpful to provide an email address AND a text enabled phone number so that tracking information can be emailed and, in some instances, texted directly to you if the package will be delivered directly to the Post Office for pickup.

Do you offer bulk discounts on larger District orders?

Shipping discounts on bulk orders

If you are ordering for School District, we can definitely offer School District bulk shipping discounts for kits all ‘shipping to the same place/address at the same time.’

Please call the Gilly Hotline at 352 .544. 0333 so we may quote a cost on your specific district order.

My students are impatient! Do you offer kits with multiple stages of development so we can observe the morph FAST?

Morph’in Kits

Yes !

We PROUDLY offer Growafrog Kits in advanced stages of metamorphosis! Your students may observe tadpole to froglet development in one class period.

We invite you to consider our Life Cycle Kit, Front ‘n Back Tube Towns, Front ‘n Back kits and Pollywog and Frog Kits 

Our Life Cycle Kit includes no limb, back limb, front limb, ‘metamorphic climax’ and froglet stages of development – plus ALL habitats, domes and Food!

Front ‘n Back  Tube Towns include a back limb tadpole and a front limb tadpole.

Pollywog ‘n Frog Kits include TWO Kits for a much lower price. You will receive a new larger Growafrog Kit AND a Stage Two Super Offer!

We highly encourage you to explore or Multi -Staged Tadpole to Frog Kits as an ‘instant’ way guarantee a positive natural history lesson in classroom!

How can I help keep Growafrog prices as low as possible?

In a continued effort to keep our prices as low as possible, we depend upon ‘word of mouth’ advertising far more than media advertising for Grow-a-frogs.

If your students have gained knowledge and appreciation for nature by observing Grow-a-frogs in classroom we would appreciate it you could pass this along to a colleague. Although shipping costs have ‘rocketed’ in the past years, we still are making every effort to provide Grow-a-frogs for our wonderful teacher and students with FREE SHIPPING (in many instances).

By the way, we understand all too well how schools have been ‘hit hard’ with budget cuts and shortfalls. All too often educators use their own out of pocket money for school projects. With this reality in mind, we try to offer Growafrogs ‘affordably.’ Our Growafrog kits are ‘complete’ and available in a wide variety of prices points.

How long does it take my tadpole to morph?

Morph time

Grow-a-frog tadpoles morph in just 21 days!

This can and does vary a bit from tadpole to tadpole. Also, temperature affects the morph time.. In general, tads morph weeks faster at 72 than at 66 degrees.

If your curriculum has ‘time’ we highly recommend any Grow-a-frog Kit.

However, if the school year is coming to an end or if you simply need to complete the lesson in one class period AND watch the tads grow – please consider a ‘morphin kit’ such as the Life Cycle Kit, Front’n Back Tube Town or Pollywog ‘n Frog Kits.

All of these include multiple stages of development!

Are Grow a Frog Tadpoles and Froglets Available Separately?


Please note: If you do not already have Stage One Tadpole Food or StageTwo Frog Food they are available at nominal cost

Will my students ‘like’ this project?

Student Interest

Any educator knows that K-6 students learn more when they are ‘engaged’ in an activity.

As you can literally see thru a Grow-a-frog tadpole’s skin and watch a live heartbeat, we can tell you from now 43 years of experience that your students will become ‘almost immediately engaged’ in this project.

Students are simply attracted to tadpoles!

Every student should have the opportunity to see a tadpole change into a frog while they are still in school!

We have been told that Growafrogs ‘bring light to children’s eyes who are otherwise uninterested in learning.’

The morph takes just a few weeks so growth may be observed daily.  Kids look forward to coming to class to watch how much their tadpole has changed!

Grow-a-frogs are extremely easy to care for in classrooms, and students love to ‘take turns’ feeding their frogs and doing weekly partial water changes.

Biology is defined as the “scientific study of life.” We humbly submit that there is no book, YouTube video, Instagram picture or film which is better suited for studying life than the study of life itself.

Grow-a-frog tadpoles and frogs are a remarkable way to study and appreciate life in your classroom!

The scientific ‘hands – on’ metamorphosis observation of see-thru tadpoles to aquatic frogs will certainly stimulate the minds of your future scientists, doctors, veterinarians and ecologists as well as the fertile minds of all of your students including artists, musicians, and poets alike! Life is important!

Over the course of time as students inevitably return to visit teachers from earlier grades, they are incredulous to learn that a frog they grew years ago when they were in the very same classroom is still alive and well all that time!

I’m the school Librarian. How can I engage students with see thru tadpoles and books?

They need to read

See thru tadpoles can encourage reading!

Place a Growafrog see thru tadpole kit on a table and surround it with topical books about tadpoles, frogs, amphibians and metamorphosis.

It is our experience that see thru tadpoles will stimulate students to become ‘frequent library visitors.’ In all likelihood, your pupils will browse a book or two and immerse themselves in words about the vital life processes unfolding in your book repository.

Do you ship Next Day Air?

Next day Air

We can provide Next Day Air delivery. However, there is a substantial additional charge as this service is inherently very expensive.

Please call the Gilly Hotline at 352 544 0333 if you need this service. We will have to get you an exact cost based upon your order and geographic destination. Please be advised there will likely be ‘shipping shock’ as the additional cost is typically minimum 150 dollars. Larger orders can cost 200 or more additional dollars for Next Day Air. In our humble opinion it is better to plan ahead! If you can wait one extra day, there is no additional charge!

Can you really see thru the transparent skin of Growafrog tadpoles?

Window of Life

Remarkably, yes.

Gowafrog Pipidae tadpoles uniquely provide students and teachers with an incredible opportunity to study life during embryonic stages.

You cannot see an egg develop in mammals at all as mammals including humans (of course) have internal fertilization.

Amphibians have external fertilization, so you can see an egg develop and watch larval forms outside of the body with a simple magnifying glass or even the naked eye.

However, transparent Growafrog Pipidae tadpoles are one of the very, very few life forms which allow you to study internal structures as they unfold by direct observation. Not only can you experience the miracle of metamorphosis, you also may quite literally see life’s organs develop. Watch the formation of the eyes, heart, brain, skin and digestive system as well as ‘interesting’ structures like tentacles and the remarkable lateral line system of these intriguing underwater amphibians.

Why dissect a frog?

Your students will gain a far more important and informative biology lesson by observing a see thru living Growafrog Pipidae tadpole. You may literally observe a living heartbeat!

I am concerned about the health of my tadpole. Is it possible to keep my Growafrog in classroom over the weekend without daily feedings?

One of the ‘nice’ things about Grow-a-frogs for classroom use is that they can easily go ‘over the weekend’ with no ill effects at all provided the water in their habitat is partially refreshed weekly and they are otherwise well fed. You do NOT have to transport your Grow-a-frogs home to feed over the weekend.

If you happen to have someone who can feed over the weekend in school that would be great. However, if not – no concern at all ! Do NOT pour lots of extra food into the habitat 5 minutes before you leave.

Underfeeding is preferred to overfeeding.

Keep away from large unshaded windows – especially in early fall / late spring – to prevent the habitat from getting far too hot from direct sunlight. Essentially, it is the same reason why you would not keep any pet in a car with the windows rolled up.  Avoid direct sunlight – simple as that.

My students are eager to get ‘closer look’ at the remarkable and clearly visible internal structures of your amazing transparent tadpoles! Do you offer a magnifying glass?


Definitely. It is available for purchase.


I can’t find my tadpole Stage One Food and my tadpole is here!

It is best to get your tadpole some nutrition ASAP.  A crushed Cheerio or Corn Flake (unseared) will hold your tadpole over until you either locate or reorder Stage One Tadpole Food.

Growafrog Stage One Tadpole Food includes a ‘serving spoon’ so that you may properly measure daily feeding. If you do not have Stage One Food, there’s a good chance you do not have the serving spoon.

Feed a ‘pinch’ or a baby aspirin amount of crushed Cheerio or Corn flake.

I just received my tadpole, and it is not swimming ‘head down – tail up.’

Adjustment Period

Your Grow-A-Frog tadpole will need a little time to adjust to its new habitat. The ‘normal’ tadpole swimming position is ‘head down – tail up.’ It takes up to 24 hours for tadpoles to become adjusted to their new ecosystem and any changes in temperature.  Likely your tadpole will be just fine.

My tadpole looks ‘sick.’

Tadpole Health

Your Grow-a-Frog tadpole(s) leave our facility in optimal health.  It is normal for them to become lethargic during metamorphosis, as many metabolic changes are taking place.  If your tadpole seems a little listless, please immediately change 1/4 of the water in the habitat with bottled spring water. Keep your tadpole at room temperature 68 – 72 degrees.

If you KNOW that there is a problem – such as if someone has either put soap or sprayed insecticide in the room – then place your tadpole into the gallon spring water bottle.

I don’t have any spring water.

Emergency Substitution for Spring Water

First of all, do NOT use tap water for tadpoles. It is a much better idea to leave your tadpole in the water that it came in than to use any kind of tap water. If you notice that the bottle says distilled water, in MOST cases it is O.K. to use that water until you can get some spring water.

Distilled water does lack ions necessary for your tadpoles health and well being… however, a few hours in this water will not be harmful.  Replace the distilled water with spring water at your earliest convenience.

You may also use well water, rainwater, melted snow, lake water, river water…. or pond or even ‘puddle’ water in an emergency.

I just received my tadpole, and I don’t have my Stage One Habitat.

Use the Spring Water Bottle

The clear gallon bottles your spring water comes in makes an excellent emergency tadpole home.

Just pour out about a pint of water into a disposable plastic cup if for whatever reason your Growafrog habitat is unavailable.

Feed your tadpole one level spoon of Stage One Food daily. You may even put the Nutri-sand in there. 

My science project is tomorrow, and I haven’t ordered yet!

Express Delivery Option

Please call the Gilly Hotline at 352 544 0333 before 2 P.M. Eastern Time, and we will make every effort to ‘get it there tomorrow.’ Please note that due to the very high cost of overnight, we must charge an additional minimum $150.00 (costs could be much higher for larger, heavier orders). Overnight delivery in the Continental U.S. only. We regret that there are no longer Sunday deliveries by any major services. Any “NEXT DAY AIR” packages ordered on Friday will arrive Monday morning.

Cost of overnight does vary quite a bit depending upon your location and package size.  Please call for an exact quote. We hope you never have to use it!

I placed an order and I haven’t received my order, yet!

Tracking Email

In MOST cases your order is sent via USPS.

An automated tracking email is generated when every order is shipped.  If you have not received a tracking email, please check your spam folder.

Food orders, unless received on Sunday are ALWAYS sent the same day we receive them. 

Tadpole and frog orders are sent ‘weather permitting.’   Your Growafrog is a living organism and like ALL living things is temperature sensitive!!!

If you cannot locate your order, please either call the Gilly Hotline at 352 544 0333 or E-mail so we may inform you as to the status of delivery and/or provide tracking information 

One of my frogs is holding on to the other so hard it looks like it’s going to hurt it!

Holding Each other

Grow-a-Frogs are very friendly. Although it may look as if one frog (the male) is trying to hurt the other frog, they are actually just holding each other.

Sometimes, this behavior can be an indication that the female is ready to lay eggs. Don’t worry at all… this looks like it an ’emergency’, but it certainly is not!

My frog isn’t eating.


Growafrogs should be fed Stage Two Food twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening. If they are hungry, they will eat. It’s lots of fun to watch your frog enjoy its food!

My tadpole is almost a frog, and I don’t have Stage Two Food.

Resume Stage One Food Feedings

Your newly morphed Growafrog froglet is very small.  Although Stage One Food is far too small for a frog, just after metamorphosis it may be used in an emergency as frog food if you have not ordered/received Stage Two Food.

My tadpole just morphed and school is out for summer!

Students ♥ Growafrog!

In most instances teachers easily find ‘plenty of available caregivers’ among their students!

In nearly all cases  Growafrog tadpoles and frogs are ‘adopted’ by your students.

Having said that if this is not an option for whatever reason we want everyone to know that we will ALWAYS provide breathable bags for safe journey back ‘home’ to us in Florida if necessary.

I just found my frog on the floor!

Back to the Water!

Obviously, your frog should never be out of water.

If you do find your frog on the floor, chances are very high that the water level in your tank is too high.

The easiest way to get your frog back in the ‘wet’ is to pick it up with lots of paper towels.

The first few minutes back in the tank are very important!

If your frog survives the first 24 hours back in the habitat it is past the critical point and should recover.

Please note: Sadly, not all frogs can be saved even after placing back into water if they have dehydrated before being placed back in the tank 

I’m taking a week vacation and I have nobody to care for my frog!


This certainly is NOT an Emergency!  

One of the ‘nice’ things about Growafrogs is that as ‘adaptive amphibians’ they can easily go up to a week with no ill effects as long as they are otherwise well fed.

Mercifully we now have a most excellent option to feed your frogs on extended vacations. We proudly present ‘feeder snails.’ Please call the Gilly Hotline 352 544 0333 to order. These are the same ‘snails on sale’ that we offer to keep your tanks super clean – however they are smaller and thus ‘bite-sized.’ Don’t worry we include LOTS of extras.

Feed normally the day you leave.  Do NOT overfeed.  Change a good portion of the water (typically 50 percent of so) either the day or day before you leave. In summer, leave the A.C. set to 75 degrees or below.

Have a nice vacation !

Its 100 degrees outside and my air conditioner just blew!

Fans and Ice Cubes and Darkness

Just float some ice cubes in a plastic container (bowl) which has never been washed a.k.a. head to the dollar store plastics aisle.

In most cases the ice cubes themselves should NOT be added to the water because (of course) your ice cubes are likely not made from spring water

Most outages are ‘short.’

Having said that….  your frog cannot tolerate temps above 105 degrees.

Definitely keep AWAY from open windows as the sun will cause the temps to get waaaaay over 100.

My frog is GONE!!!!!

Time is of the essence.

If you have a larger Growafrog and it has disappeared, it may have ‘escaped’ due to high water level in the aquarium.  Although Growafrogs do not ‘need’ or ‘want’ land they do become ‘active’ during low pressure atmospheric events such as thunderstorms and ‘jump.’

They are not trying to escape they are just ‘jumping’ and they have no clue there is no water on the other side of the jump.

We HIGHLY recommend that you keep the water level 4 or so inches from the top of the aquarium as your frog cannot jump that high.

Having said that ‘look in the corners of the rooms’ and ‘behind the commode’ as your frog will try and seek dampness.  In humid regions it is possible for your frog to survive hours (even days) if it is able to stay wet… in arid no humidity conditions they cannot survive more than a few minutes.

Smaller and Larger Frog

We have a strong caution against putting a larger frog and a ‘newly morphed’ frog (or tadpole) together as larger frogs will EAT smaller frogs or tadpoles.  After they are adults there is no issue as ‘defense mechanisms” will prevent this.

Males are typically half the size of females and we have never seen a female eat a smaller adult male – ever.

Having said that if you have a larger frog and a ‘bite -sized’ young tadpole or frog together and the little guy is gone- it was probably ‘consumed’ by the larger frog.


Is HAS happened!!!

Not likely however Growafrogs are ‘popular’ and people have been known to ‘adopt’ a frog out of another person’s aquarium.  Please exercise ‘caution’ and ‘lock’ you frog!

Larger Habitats
My frog is growing up! Do you offer any larger habitats?

We offer 3 larger Habitat Options

  1. deskHOP Habitat
  2. Big’n Hoppy Habitat
  3. Tube City
I already have a fishtank. Can I put my Growafrog in my fishtank?

Aquarium – NO problem!

Any ordinary 10-gallon or larger aquarium makes an excellent home for larger Growafrogs in most instances.  

Should you decide to do this, we highly recommend Growafrog Habitat Soil as a substrate, a sponge type ‘low output’ filter such as our Growafrog filter and Growafrog Water Crystals.

By the way – there is NO ‘maximum size’ aquarium at all.

However, there are a few things to consider. 

  • We recommend a ‘frog only’ habitat as most (not all) fish are incompatible with Growafrogs.
  •  Your Growafrog will EAT smaller ‘bite-sized’ aquarium fish. 
  • Fish ‘tend’ to transmit diseases to your normally disease resistant Growafrog.
  • Heaters are NOT recommended and in most cases are actually harmful as your frog MUCH prefers ‘room temperature water’ of 68-72 degrees.
  • We definitely recommend Habitat Soil which is a ‘sandy’ substrate for bottom as ‘aquarium gravel’ poses a choking hazard
  • Keep the water level at minimum four inches from the top.
  • Do NOT use aerators or air stones!  Although these are necessary for (most fish) aerators are HARMFUL to Growafrogs!  High oxygen content can cause the blood vessels in the webbing of the feet of your Growafrog to ‘explode.’ Your frog has lungs NOT gills and air stones are completely unnecessary as high output air stones/aerators are actually harmful.
How much Habitat Soil would you recommend for my aquarium?

Habitat Soil Coverage

Aquarium sizes are not ‘exact’ however as a general guide we recommend 6 lbs. of Habitat Soil per 10 gallons of ‘aquarium capacity.’

  • 10-gallon aquarium – one package Habitat Soil
  • 20-gallon aquarium -2 packages Habitat Soil
  • 50-gallon aquarium – 5 packages Habitat Soil
Does my larger aquarium need a cover suitable for my Growafrogs?


Your beautiful Growafrogs are completely aquatic animals and do not ‘need’ or ‘want’ land.

Having said that they do become ‘active’ and ‘jump’ during low pressure atmospheric events such as thunderstorms.  If you have a 10-gallon aquarium we offer shade dome covers.  If you have a larger aquarium, we are very sorry we do not offer covers at this time (we are working on it).

Having said all of that the BEST way to prevent your Growafrog from escaping is to keep the water level 4 inches or more from the top.

My fish need a light, heater and airstone in their aquarium. Do I need any of these for my wonderful Growafrog?

NO! Your frog is NOT a fish!

It’s THAT simple.

Griwafrogs are frogs which live totally in water however that’s where the similarity ends.

  • No heaters. Your frog prefers temps 68-72 degrees.
  • No airstones. Your frog has LUNGS and breathes AIR – not dissolved oxygen.
  • No bright lights. Growafrogs are ‘semi nocturnal and LOVE shade! Bright lights may not ‘hurt them’ per se however it is kind of like if you kept all the lights on when you are going to sleep.  Darkness and ambient light are MUCH preferred.
Is it possible to order a Tube Town, deskHOP or Big ‘n Hoppy habitat in custom /school team colors?

Growafrog Habitat Multi Color Choices Available

We can have any habitat ‘custom’ made for you at no additional cost!

Just call all the Gilly Hotline to order at 352 544 0333. Alternatively, if you are ordering online write your custom colors in the ‘additional notes box when you checkout. EZ Peasy !

Our Shipping Policy
I understand Growafrogs are living animals and therefore temperature sensitive. What is your shipping policy?

Shipping Considerations

Our policy is to make sure your Growafrog arrives ‘happy and healthy.’

We send in favorable weather conditions, only. 

Your live Growafrog is always sent in a breathable membrane bag which is awesome! These wonderful membrane bags allow oxygen to enter the bag and CO2 to escape even when the bags are closed!

We need three consecutive days with either low temperatures above 29 degrees or high temperatures below 95 degrees to send.

Our shipping department ‘tends to err’ on the side of caution.

Other factors in addition to temperatures in your region such are temperatures enroute and Postal Holidays are taken into consideration in our decision-making process to send your Growafrog.

Is there anything I can do to help my Growafrog arrive safety?

Address and Tracking Preferences

If possible, please have your Growafrog sent to an address where ‘someone will be there’ such as a school or business address.

Please pay close attention to the tracking email which includes your tracking number. You will also be sent tracking emails.

  1. Growafrog Order Completed in our Facility
  2. Order ‘out for delivery’ to you.

Emails often get ‘lost in spam.’ Please check your spam folder.

If you have not received your tracking email contact us.

The ‘goal’ is to have your Growafrog delivered without having to spend any time in a mailbox or outdoors.

Having said that, if the outdoor temperatures are between 50 degrees and 65 degrees during the day you are probably OK.  Mailboxes heat far more quickly in sun.   If the day of delivery is rainy or completely overcast, there’s much less of a concern. Similarly, if your package is left outdoors in sun this is a major concern.

Just as you would NEVER keep a pet in a car in sun with the windows rolled up kindly practice common sense and anticipate arrival of your Growafrog so that scenario does not occur at all. 

My class project needs to be completed on time and it is super hot or cold. Can you still deliver?


Please call the Gilly Hotline at 352.544.0333

We will have to personally coordinate delivery with you.

Please note:  We will not send if we cannot guarantee live delivery. Delivery to a Post Office Box in the USPS building is best option to make this work.

Growafrogs like ALL Living beings are TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT.

I want my tadpole NOW and I don’t ‘care’ what the temperature is !


This extremely expensive (typically 180+ dollars) is available in MOST instances.

Please call the Gilly Hotline 352.544.0333 if this is your request.

We will make every effort to meet your requirements


In some instances there may be additional charges for insulated packaging if deemed needed.

Please note:  There comes a time when it is simply too cold or hot to deliver.  Even with insulation ‘water freezes’ and we are very sorry we simply will NOT send if we cannot guarantee live delivery.

Our 4 Way Guarantees
Live Delivery Guarantee

Absolutely Guaranteed Delivery

Your Growafrog tadpole and frogs are extremely healthy and sent to (of course) arrive alive!

Should your Growafrog not arrive ‘hoppy and healthy contact us and we will send another at absolutely no charge. 

Having said that… you most certainly can help with delivery!  Please pay attention to the automatically generated tracking email so that your tadpole is NOT left in an outdoor mailbox or doorstep.

Metamorphosis Guarantee

Metamorphosis Guarantee

Likely you have purchased your Growafrog tadpole Kit in order to observe tadpole to frog metamorphosis. We ABSOLUTELY guarantee your tadpole will morph into a live baby frog!

Our Growafrog tadpoles are simply AWESOME and morph ‘healthy and quickly.’  In the unlikely event that your tadpole does not morph you are entitled to a tadpole OR froglet at NO charge and shipping is just 8.95

Lifetime Guarantee

Lifetime Guarantee

In the unlikely event of a loss, we would completely understand your disappointment.

We want you to know that your Growafrog includes a LIFETIME Guarantee.  

To ensure your complete satisfaction, you are entitled to a FREE Growafrog froglet post-metamorphosis at ANY point in time.

There is NO charge for a froglet, and shipping is just 8.95.

B.d. Negative Guarantee

Sadly, due to the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis which has caused worldwide amphibian declines, we have to add a new guarantee.

Your Growafrog is captive bred, monitored and guaranteed NOT to have the dreaded Chytrid disease of amphibians or the carry the fungus B.d.

You have wonderful guarantees! Why do you offer such assurance when ‘nobody else does?’

Learning  Is VERY Important!

We want your students have a positive natural history lesson in classroom!

All Growafrog tadpoles and frogs are captive bred here in our Florida facilities and NOT removed from the wild.

Simply put in most cases you will never have an ‘issue’ with Growafrog so we are (more than) privileged to offer the best guarantees for the best tadpoles!

Having said that, sadly in relatively rare instances problems do arise for no apparent reason and therefore we ‘Guarantee’ success for your classroom project.

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