Live tadpole
If you have ‘plenty of time and would like to ‘grow from the git-go’ – this is your tadpole!
No limb tadpoles are available with small limbs OR no limbs – YOUR CHOICE.
Please note: This relatively young tadpole stage can take weeks longer than our normal 21 days till morph hind limb tadpole.
Having said that, if you have the patience and desire to observe – no limb tadpoles are AMAZING.
What you will need to grow a small limb tadpole:
- Habitat (Two gallons of water or more highly recommended per tadpole for small limb tadpole).
- Stage One Tadpole Food
- Water. We highly recommend bottled spring, lake water, stream water, rainwater or well water. NO tap water! Please visit our FAQ for details
- Your powers of observation! Have fun and LEARN, too! Growafrog see-thru tadpoles are the choice of Educators everywhere!!
- The willingness to welcome a beloved amphibian into your home! Your Growafrog amphibian is friendly, smart, caring and FUN!
What you will need to grow an absolutely NO limb tadpole:
- Habitat. (Three gallon of water or more per tadpole minimum recommended. A common ten gallon glass aquarium works nicely).
- Stage One Tadpole Food
- Water. We highly recommend bottled spring, lake water, stream water, rainwater or well water. NO tap water! Please visit our FAQ for details
- Your powers of observation! Have fun and LEARN, too! Growafrog see-thru tadpoles are the choice of Educators everywhere!!
- The willingness to welcome a beloved amphibian into your home! Your Growafrog amphibian is friendly, smart, caring and FUN!
If you want ABSOLUTELY NO LIMB tadpole(s) please check NO LIMB. Please also be aware that NO LIMB TADPOLES are super sensitive to changes in water quality. We recommend 3 gallons of spring water or well water per each NO LIMB TADPOLE.
Having said all that – they are AMAZING !!!
Please be aware that NO LIMB tadpole can take weeks longer to grow than even small limb tadpoles. PROUDLY offers stage specific tadpoles to meet the needs of life cycle curriculum study!